"Lost Together" is an engaging dive into the world of one of Canada’s most beloved bands, Blue Rodeo. With the unmistakable voices of Jim Cuddy and Greg Keelor guiding the way, this documentary blends humour, honesty, and heart to tell the story of their incredible 40-year journey. As Blue Rodeo continues to hit new creative highs, "Lost Together" takes you behind the scenes of their extraordinary adventure. The film begins with the story of how Jim and Greg, two seemingly different personalities came together to form a musical partnership that would become legendary. Their bond, forged at North Toronto Collegiate, is the bedrock of Blue Rodeo’s success. "Lost Together" also captures the band’s rise from the vibrant Queen Street West scene in the 1980s to the forefront of Canadian music. Along the way, they reshaped the sound of a generation. The documentary also touches on their bold attempt to break into the U.S. market, showing how resilience and a love for their craft have always driven them forward. "Lost Together" is a lively celebration of Blue Rodeo’s legacy, their music, and the enduring friendship between two artists. It’s a must-watch for fans and anyone who appreciates how music can bring people together and create something truly special.